Conditional Access
Embedded Conditional Access
The following systems are currently supported:
- Conax
- Cryptoworks
- Irdeto
- Mediaguard
Further solutions are under development as part of Cabot’s continuous technological development roadmap.
Hercules and Keystone are comprehensive CI and CI+ solutions respectively. Hercules provides the core CI functionality providing compatibility with CI compliant modules, allowing users to view protected content. Keystone builds on Hercules, adding support for the latest CI+ compliant modules, providing an enhanced security system which uses key exchange cryptography to protect content across unsecured data links. The data itself is encrypted with triple-DES or AES-128 algorithms using keys that cycle periodically. This protects the high value content broadcasters want to offer viewers and means that at no stage in the broadcast, from transmission to display, is unencrypted content accessible.